Lori Bryant

Lori Bryant

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
  • Experience
    3 years
  • Specialization
    Custom Nutrition Plans

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Get to know Lori


Lori Bryant is a homeschooling mother of four who, after struggling with her own health and weight issues, discovered that nutrition (or lack there of) lay at the root of her issues.


After having her eyes opened to the way that food directly effects the way that we feel, she began learning everything she could about various aspects of holistic health and nutrition.  When she stumbled upon the Nutritional Therapy Association’s training program, she knew that she wanted to become a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

Lori is a firm believer that although chronic diseases are epidemic in this country, yet they do not have to be. 

Our bodies are always trying to heal and be in health. We just need to learn how to stop derailing that process and instead help our bodies along the way.

Lori’s main goal is to encourage people to become knowledgeable about – and responsible for – their own health.

She is passionate about helping her clients through this process and supporting them every step of the way on their own personal journey to health.