HH#13 – 5 Things to Help You Stay Sane During Coronavirus Quarantine (#COVID10DayChallenge)

Episode 13 of The Homemade Health Podcast – 5 Things to Help You Stay Sane During Coronavirus Quarantine (#COVID10DayChallenge)

Join Sydney & Lori as they discuss their experience with Coronavirus quarantine. They share 5 very effective ways to help manage the stress of this crazy time and help mitigate the effect of that stress on your body. Try incorporating these into your daily routine for 10 days and see how your stress and anxiety goes down! We want to hear how it goes for you, share with us online using hashtag #COVID10DayChallenge

  1. Drink Enough Water (Body weight/2=ounces to drink)
  2. Get outside for at least 30 minutes every day and move your body device free
  3. Give yourself grace, and give grace to others
  4. Limit your time on social media (or on news or whatever makes you feel negative)
  5. Breathwork/meditation/prayers at least 10 min per day

Listen in or read on below for more details on each of these 5 items that are so helpful to work into your daily routine.

Challenges with added stress:

How people are coping with added stress. Phones, drinking, sugar, eating feelings, coffee, sleep schedule, physical activity (lack of gyms)

5 Things To Help You Stay Sane During Coronavirus Quarantine:

  1. Drink Enough Water

    • Water is the most important nutrient in the body – you can go 8 weeks (or more) without food, but only days without water
    • ROLES OF WATER IN THE BODY – Water plays numerous important roles in the body, including:
  • Improves oxygen delivery to cells
  • Transports nutrients
  • Enables cellular hydration
  • Moistens oxygen for easier breathing
  • Cushions bones and joints
  • Absorbs shocks to joints and organs
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Removes wastes
  • Flushes toxins
  • Prevents tissues from sticking
  • Lubricates joints
  • Improves cell‐to‐cell communications
  • Maintains normal electrical properties of cells
  • Empowers the body’s natural healing process
    • Most common nutrient deficiency in the US 
      • Avg adult drinks 39 ounces (approx 5 cups)
      • Many times when you’re hungry, you’re actually just thirsty – get water from foods we eat (banana 75% water)
    • Body weight/2 = baseline ounces to drink per day
    • Diuretics x 1.5 = additional water to drink daily
    • Maximum 1 gallon water per day
    • Why hydration is so important
      • Important for immune function
      • Dehydration is a stress on the body
      • Recent research suggests even mild dehydration (1-2%) impacts cognition

2. Get outside for at least 30 minutes every day and move your body device free 

  • Movement – gentle movement to help with bringing stress levels down, like walking or stretching, or something more intense if you are missing that type of workout from your gym
  • Sunlight
  • Fresh air
  • Nature
  • Barefoot -> grounding

3. Give yourself grace, and give grace to others

  • Do the things that seem manageable, don’t worry about anything that seems overwhelming
  • It’s about progress, not perfection
  • Don’t have to do “all the things”
  • Everyone handling the stress of this differently

4. Limit your time on social media

    • 30 minutes AM/30 minutes PM
    • Put the phone down by 7pm
    • Or if not social media, limit your time reading news, or talking with negative people… whatever it is that is bringing you down and making you feel negative

5. Breathwork/meditation/prayers

  • 10 minutes/day 
  • 4/7/8 breaths
  • Belly breathing

Try incorporating these 5 things into your daily routine for 10 days and see how it impacts your stress and anxiety during coronavirus quarantine. We’d love to hear how it goes for you! Tag us on Instagram @homemadehealthpodcast, use the hashtag #COVID10DayChallenge, or email us at homemadehealthpodcast @ gmail.com