HH #1 Discovering Homemade Health & Diet vs. Lifestyle

The Homemade Health Podcast – Episode 1 – Discovering Homemade Health & Diet vs. Lifestyle

Join Sydney & Lori as they discuss their own health journeys and how they each got started on their holistic health journeys. In this episode, they discuss their own personal histories with dieting and why you should choose lifestyle changes over diets, along with how diet mentality can be really harmful.

What our podcast is all about 

  • Empowering our listeners to become knowledgeable about—and responsible for—their own health and the health of their families.
  • Real food solutions to support optimal health
  • Perspective and support for holistic diet & living from the eyes of two moms.
  • How to create and maintain a happy, healthy home while juggling the day to day challenges of being a mom. 

What our podcast is NOT about

  • A substitute for medical advice.  Please consult a qualified physician for medical advice, and always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding your health and nutrition program.
  • A one size fits all approach.  We believe in bio-individuality and know that what works for one person may not work for the next. Many of the topics we discuss are what has worked well for us and our families. You have to find what works for you.

Welcome & Thank you for listening

Outline for launch

  • Release new episode every day our first week.
  • Weekly on Wednesdays after
  • Giveaway for Cook Once Eat all Week by Cassy Joy – Syd describes
  • Email us  at homemadehealthpodcast@gmail.com once you leave a review to be entered into a drawing. One after first week, one after first month. Winners will be announced on our social media channels and notified via email.

Word of the year

  • 2019 Word of the year Sydney, how it went, 2020 WOTY is GROWTH. 
    • Changes to my business
    • Building on my nutrition practice and education
    • Losing my dad
    • Stepping into a bigger role and living my life as I see it, not someone else

2019 WOTY Lori, how it went, 2020 WOTY is BALANCE

  • Simplifying
  • Taking a break from working, reprioritizing
  • Moving, slowing down & reconnecting

Diet VS Lifestyle

  • Sydney’s experience with dieting
    • What led you to make lifestyle changes – LOSING MY MOM
    • What does that look like to you (how do you eat)
  • Lori’s experience with dieting

        – What led you to make lifestyle changes

      • Ketogenic Diet, hit weightloss goal and went back to SAD, felt awful, first time I realized food effects how we feel, led me down the rabbit hole
    • What does that look like to you (how do you eat now)
      • Keto-ish. Paleo-ish plus raw dairy, sometimes properly prepared grains. Real foods, organic. 

Diets don’t work!

  • UCLA researchers found that dieting does not work long term.  
  • People lose 5 to 10 lbs within first 6 months, but looking 2-5 years out, at least one to two thirds gain it back and more (and they suspect the real number is higher than that) 
  • Concluded “ We concluded most of them would have been better off not going on the diet at all. Their weight would be pretty much the same, and their bodies would not suffer the wear and tear from losing weight and gaining it all back”

95% of People Don’t Fail Diets, 95% of Diets Fail People



  • Difference between a diet and lifestyle change
  • Adding foods vs. subtracting
  • Easy first steps

Top Reasons to Choose Lifestyle Changes VS Fad Diets

  • Dieting can slow down metabolism. 
  • Dieting does not create sustainable results while lifestyle change does. 
  • Diets are not good for our mental health
    • Over-restriction, demonizing of foods as “bad” and thereby the eating of them as being “bad” and the people that eating them as being “bad” themselves, can lead to unhealthy relationships with food such as binging (with or without the purging)
    • “Cheat Day” mentality where you go crazy, or perhaps sneak off to the donut shop and chow down a half dozen in your car where no one can see you
    • If you are making a lifestyle change, it is how you are living your life on a daily basis.  There is room to go outside of it, but you know you’ll be back to it as soon as you can because that’s how you like to live and feel your best.  
  • Making lifestyle changes honors your bio-individulaity where diets cannot listen to what your body needs
    • Make changes as you go, giving it more of certain foods and nutrients when it needs it, avoiding other foods when your body tells you to
    • Not just a set of arbitrary rules that don’t take account of what your body needs at any given time 
    • Diets are all about weight loss whereas lifestyle changes are about overall health
  • Our weight is just a reflection of an imbalance inside the body.  Going on a diet to lose weight does not address that imbalance, so as soon as you go off the diet, you will gain it all back because you never got to the root cause of it.
  • Dieting can actually cause more deficiencies and health issues, so you are worse off than when you began. 
  • Diets are a stressor whereas lifestyle changes help support stress levels in the body
    • Diets restrict calories, use prepackaged diet foods (food-like-substances), cause blood sugar dysregulation, nutrient deficiencies, etc. that stress the body, raising cortisol levels and making it even harder to lose weight, especially in the belly region.
    • Lifestyle changes focus on nourishing the body so that it doesn’t keep telling you to eat more, supports healthy blood sugar regulation, and can help reduce cortisol and other stress hormone levels. 
  • Dieting sucks!
    • You feel hangry, anxious and depressed.
    • You feel like you’re eating cardboard.
    • Making lifestyle changes gets you eating real foods which taste great!
  • Dieting can wreak havoc with your hormones, whereas a lifestyle change can support rebalancing your hormones.
  • Dieting is a lot like starving, whereas lifestyle changes focus on nourishing the body.  

In the coming weeks, we will get into more specifics as to what we mean about lifestyle changes and how you can make sustainable changes at home that support your own journey to optimal health and wellness.  Making these changes are challenging and are especially challenging when you have kids or a spouse that may not be totally on board. Lori and Sydney have unique perspectives that they are excited to share with you, and they both tackle these issues daily in their  own households a bit differently.

Thank you for listening, please leave us a review on iTunes or share with a friend!  Your support means so, so much to us as we are starting out! We’d also love to hear your questions and what specific challenges you are dealing with in your own families. You can email us at homemadehealthpodcast@gmail.com!

As a reminder, we are doing a giveway at the end of our launch week for Cook Once Eat All Week at and one at the end of the first month. Please email us to notify us you left a review so you can be entered!  New episode each each week on Wednesdays. 

2 Replies to “HH #1 Discovering Homemade Health & Diet vs. Lifestyle”

  1. Your first podcast was awesome! I recommend this to anyone struggling with the plethora of food and nutrition advice out there, and who perceive themselves in a negative light because they can’t seem to stick successfully to one fad or another. These gals have much to offer and I look forward to listening to more podcasts!

    1. Thank you so much for listening and for taking the time to let us know what you thought of it!!

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